Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Sometimes, it doesn't pay to be kind.

Shall explain why it doesn't pay to be kind later.

Shall tell you some funny incidents that happened today.
History class..

Senario 1:
Marvin: Cher, can go toilet a not?
Mr Samy: Yes, you go, thank you.
*Stare at me*
Mr Samy: Eh, why I say thank you ah?
*Stunned and laugh*

Senario 2:
*Mr Samy Using lappy, trying to copy and paste the text*
All: Cher, don't keep change leh.
*Mr Samy ignores and copy and paste*
*Suddenly he close down the page and it pop out, do you want to save changes?*
*He click Yes.*
Mr Samy: Eh, where's my document?!
*All of us laughing*
All: CHER! YOU JUST CLOSE DOWN! YOU STILL CLICK SAVE CHANGES, then you now ask us where your document go?!

Isn't Mr Samy cute?
After that was Maths. Now, I can concentrade better..
But still, will get influence a bit.. See that Salehin dance..

He dance until damn funny! I can't stop laughing inside.
And everything was going so normal. Yeah, kept slept. Yawnn.

After school went to KFC eat and slack with 6 more peoples.
Terence, Gary, Kok Kiang, Elvin, Melvin, Dickson & Me.

Then they nothing to do? They was daring each other to get peoples phone number,
then don't know who treat who eat, if that person dare or whatever.
Then Elvin don't dare, in the end, he go, but never speak his main motive.
I quickly ran out of the KFC, avoid embarrassment.
Then all of them ran out later.

They are scolding why Elvin so humji! Don't dare.
Then Elvin was like, "go in again la, I sure get".
But I know he won't dare. 101% won't dare to do so.
And they dare Kok Kiang to go into 7 eleven and do..

Senario 3:
Kok Kiang: Auntie ah, hao kan mah? (Nice anot)
*Pointing his private part..*
Auntie: Ah, bu chuo ah. (Not bad)

We laughing like siao man! Cause really damn hilarious.
After that Kok Kiang ran out and dare Elvin go in.
Of course, Elvin don't dare laaa.

Then all of us go home.
On our way home, we met Li Fang and Regina at interchange.

Li Fang: Eh, Dillon, you got buy class photo mah?
Dillon: Got ah, why?
Li Fang: Eh, can lend me see mah?
Dillon: Don't want.
*Taking out*
Li Fang: Eh, can change a not? I want your photo leh, cause inside got Bi Jin.
Dillon: Cannot. I want one.
Li Fang: Please lah.
Dillon: NO!
Li Fang: Okay, I mixed, then what you take you take.
Dillon: NO!
Li Fang: Eh bus lai le.
*Without saying byebye, and ran off*
Dillon: Fuck you la, take my picture.

I'm fucking pissed off by her okay. I pay $3 for one picture, and she gave me 2 of the same.
Cheebye la her, also not her class, don't know what the fuck she want it for! LIN LI FANG, I DON'T CARE IF YOU GOT SEE MY BLOG A NOT, I WANT IT BACK TOMORROW! YOU UNDERSTAND?

Really, sometimes, it doesn't pay to be kind. Lend her, but actually she got motive.
I am going to upload my pictures, but she fucking steal it.

Yana is going to give me my class tee-shirt tomorrow! And I shall upload with the photo.
But I've a feeling, Yana is going to forget, and Li Fang is not going to return. !@#$%^&.

Lastest news!
Li Fang want my formal picture! It's a NO WAY for sure!


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