Sunday, August 31, 2008

&maybe more choices?

All so far. My friends how? I'm a very lazy person lor. How am I going to meet them in the future? Perhaps once in a year? Hah, so hilarious. I used to think, wah, change liao, wah damn happy siol. New enviroment seh. Still got own room siol. But I didn't expect THAT far lorh. Wa, will there be further outing? Will they call me along? I really don't know. As time goes by, when human faces faded, I guess, I'll not be craved until their heart. Yeah, this is why I say, there're no everlasting friendship in this world. Now I see why Darren don't put friendship as a thing.

I'm NOT emo.

I never want to say goodbye,
I never want to see you cry.


Was so terrified of editing this picture. Because they say.. eh, those who edit picuture one becareful hor, later beside us got something we also don't know. HAHA.

Muzzy bbq

Wa! A lot of pictures. I'll try to entertain you along the way! We went for.. um, Muzna bbq! There are.. Chin Fung, Clement, Dickson, Dillon, Don, Elvin, Gary, Jessica, Muzna, Muzna family, Nisa, Nisa boyfriend, Kint Keong, Pin Quan, Su En, Wahidah, Wen Xiang, Yu Zhu. (I hope I never miss out anyone).

Firstly, Don come and meet me, downstair my house, claiming to go BMC to eat first. Because Dickson and Don, they all want to eat first, then I agreed. Until Don tell me, Dickson is trapped in his house, I was like huh?! He don't have the keys! He've to wait for his maid I think. Was really funny lor. Then Don and me went mac first. Gary soon arrived.

Then we slack while waiting for others to come la. We didn't eat, just drink. And we lie to Dickson when everybody is here, when only 3 of us is here. HAHA! Then he was like huh? Eh don't bluff leh! But he still rush here. Hahahaha.

After that we went to meet Pin Quan, because he's at Henderson traffic light there, and his things is very heavy. So we went and help. Before we could reach the traffic light, someone stalk us. It is Yu Zhu! HAHA. He reach le! But he didn't tell us nor call us! He just walk behind and act blur!

Haha, and soon we met Pin Quan. Indeed was heavy, with his roller blades and volleyball. And guess what?

When I turn behind, Yu Zhu was in this mental state! HAHA. We went back mac, and Dickson arrived. HAHA, Don was making a joke out of him lor! And so are we!

Okok, we then went to meet Su En. She was at the bookshop nearby, to buy some items. Then, she continue finding her items while we go and buy mineral waters etc.

Ok, then Elvin call. He tell me he's waiting at the bus-stop we meeting. So we went to the bus-stop and meet him. When we arrived, he's gone!! He then call and ask where are we. We told him we're already at the bus-stop and where the hell is him. He went to find us, while we went to find him. Funny ah boy?

Ok! Then Kint Keong arrived before Elvin arrived. We sat and sat for half an hour waiting for Wen Xiang to come! He's the majesty, all greet him please!

Wah, then this Dickson.. bueytahan. Like to show off his "apple". No la, is I lend to play. HAHA.

That boredom woman.

Finally he reached! HAHA, we waited for 4 196 buses because of him! How wonderful! Finally, the 5th one came. Haha.

That woman keep taking pictures of the front.

Not forgetting me also. HAHA.

We finally reach parkway.. and we walk..

Wah, then we finally reach East coast. Little droplets of water came pouring on us. And Dickson say, there was nothing. HAHA, Su En actually cooperate with him lor =.=

So we walked with 9 peoples. And from 9 peoples.. suddenly became 6.. and became 5 and therefore. Look like we're in some movies. HAHA, humans kana drag out and kacha.

I tell you, I TELL YOU!!! I was totally FREAK OUT when I reach!

Walan!! The pit!! OMG, like little shit on the bbq thing lor!

See! Look like shit a not?!

Wah, then they don't care lor. Just pour the charcoal in and start to bbq lor. They pour the charcoal till very high, like mountain lor! Then they make almost 1 hour then we can start bbq =.=! I think we make faster lor, they make like.. turtles.. Damn fucking slow! HAHA. They shouldn't have put all the charcoal at once lor!

While waiting..

(Eh, share seats with me leh!)

We can only eat these while waiting for the bbq thing to start. And they were like, WAH FEAR FACTOR!! OMG!! Because the food isn't very nice. HAHA. So funny lah.

(twist* :D)

(let's keep the party rolling!)

(eh, man man lai~)

(walan, very hot leh!)

(hot dogsssss~)

This guy. I tell you. He damn gross one. He put condensed milk with his crabstick and eat together!! He drink the condensed milk then he ask. Eh, what is this ah, very nice leh! Walau, sick right?!

(Eh, kick to me!)

(pull her over and TWISTS! :D)


(dating in progress. shhh)

(performing magic)

Eh, what is FFHH chairman and vice-chairman doing?! Gay-ing?!

(learning roller blade)

Then Muzna parents came over and tell us to try this thing. Personally, I think is because they can't finish it. That's why we need to help them clear up. It was sort of popiah skin with mutton insides. Quite okok lor, but if the skin is crispy, it'll be great!

Birthday girl

She say, "eh, since you so good help me take photo, I take with you la!"

(eh, dillon want take picture a not? :D)

(this picture is very insulting, Jess and Pin Quan)

Group photo! YAY!

(keong idea to smack su en head)

(take a closer look, keong butt)

:O YUZHU!!!!

(FFHH handsign)

Then we went hawker center to slack. And walk to bus-stop to take bus. Wah, very long path. HAHA. Chin feng was taking photos every moments we walked. Very funny! HAHA.

(Yu Zhu singing)

Then all leave one by one. Some of us went BMC and take bus. Then Don doing stupid things. HAHA. He tried to climb from the ceiling there to take the escalator. Damn hilarious. He failed however.

I was alone in the bus when I got up the bus =.= So scary. Like ghost show.

Su En, it been decades I've take pictures with you! Haha, of course, there'll be further opportunity! :D

(more pictures, refer to su en blog)

Saturday, August 30, 2008

As you can see, we're having a debate over studies.


Friday, August 29, 2008


I LIKE MY NEW SELF-EDIT SKIN. HAHAHA. God, spend 3-4 hours on it. Wtf.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Funny, stupid, cool is all I can say about the teacher day celebration today. Didn't brought presents this year, and didn't visit primary school again. Sigh. Inter-house is really hilarious. They played badminton, and Kint Keong smack the shuttercock on Mak; pure accident. Damn funny.

And also got back my results.


Total: 283/600
Class position: 3/33
Percentage: 47.2
Conduct: GOOD
Attendance: 137/162

Dillon is an introvert who should try to make an attempt to mix around with his classmates. He is capable of doing well in his studies if he can just focus and delicated more time to it. He needs to learn to think positively about all matters and seek assitance from his peers and teachers when he has doubts.

What does it do with studies? As you can see. My results machiam sai also can get 3rd le. Only 1 person in class managed to pass. Grats Hera. 300/600! Just pass! HAHA. *Elvin say he 2nd, I don't believe =.=*

Exam start next week,
wish me luck for my paper.

Dare to strive and succeed.
Don't ask me why. I don't feel like blogging now. I want study from tomorrow onward.

You'd nv took the initative. You'd never care for me. I am so isolated in such a situation. So desperate and yet I can't do anything. You don't even reply. Am I such a ass? I'm pretty sure I'm now. don't give me the hint that your one, cause it's hurt me even more. It tears me apart and I'm so helpless toward it.
Felt a bit sick. How I hope someone can take care of me! Hahaha! :P *dreaming* *drip saliva*

So.. how was my day today? One word, SIAN lor. What's more siol. Ok first. We start off with Art. Doing nothing but washing basin.. wtf? =.=

No la, actually is because Miss Goh homeroom is in a mess, so we helped out. She even do it herself ok!

See her digging nose shit!

See mine!

"That's the nose shit," she exclaimed.

HOHOHO. HAHA, then we went for Maths. Totally slack to hell man. Played pokemon all the way. I'm childish, I know. Hehe tsktsk.

And and, guess what? Jessica pass me my old ez-link card during recess. I was there o.o" I thought Elvin ruined it, and someone picked it. How did it end up with jessy? So funny man haha. I quickly kept it and treat it as nothing happened lor. HAHA. After that I threw it on the way to Biology class.

I almost got raped by Benjamin, Terence and Elvin during Biology. Better not say! LOL! *Benjamin was watching ****. HAHA. I joined him also, since we're beside each other! HOOLALA.

After school, went to Raffles for braces alone. I first went Tiong to eat, cause very very hungry. I went Mac lor. Then everyone like staring at me, like asking me when will I leave, cause I'm like occupying a comfortable 4 seated sofa all alone. Look so damn pathetic and selfish. Of course! Ignore and eat! :D

Ohyah, I took cab to Tiong =.=? LOL, I realise hor, each braces, I sure take cab leh. That uncle damn friendly I tell you! First time I enter his car, he use hokkien and talk to me liao! I was like, huh? o.o? Then he ask my religion all these. Damn friendly and hilarious lor. Trying to entertain me like that. He even sing song with action! HAHA, I laughed at that la! How could I resist an ahpek dancing for me?! So so so funny. And before I left his car, he wished me good luck for exam (x I believe with his luck, I can pass. Gambatte!

Mom say be mentally prepared. She say dajie will most probably moving near Tampanies or Bedok. Sigh, that's very far. T_T I miss my friends lor. Next time, sure hardly meet.. Take care friends. We'll be friends eternity, that's for sure.

Anyway.. if I can go sec5.. I will choose not to go too. I've consider, even if I pass my N' level, what about my O' level. I rather go ITE to spend 2 years there than to go O' level and fail, and end up in ITE. This cost 2 years. I rather choose 1 year than 2 years right? O' level.. I'm not confident that I'll pass lor! I'm not a risk taker also what! I don't wanna take a 20% risk of going to Poly with O' level.

Shall I end off with this? :D

Wednesday, August 27, 2008



I broke my mummy glass yesterday! She stored her coins inside the glass bottle lor, then yesterday accidentally shift it and cause it to fall and *piang lor.

(some blood stains if you can see)

All this BLOODY TV fault la! Was fixing this lor, then the glass was was hidden behind the tv, (I didn't know too).

After sacrificing my finger and an amount of efforts putted in, finally managed to fix it.

Today ah. FFHH day! HAHA.

Samy was funny lor. What polish corridor etc, then he went to the door and give examples. He seriously look like a doll lor. HAHA.

Biology class. Wa kan sian lor. THAT FUCKER ELVIN!! Wtf la! You know what he did a not. He take my Ez-link from my bag and play. I got 2 Ez-link. Then 1 Ez-link spoil and cannot use liao mah. Then he take that one out and play, then fold, then ask me want a not =.=? Then I say don't want la, no need liao. It's spoil in the first place mah. So nevermind lor, take and play. Then he threw out of the window for the first time, I went to retrieve it. I didn't expect him to throw the second time lor! I was unaware of him throwing.

Then bell ring liao, suddenly a bunch of girls walk past. They saw it, and pick it up! Then they look here and there, and then they went for their class. Elvin they all was laughing lor. I was like, what happened? Kannina lor. Then they say liao, I sibei pekchek la? Honggan lor. Somemore they still dare laugh. Wtf?

Then SS time, wa. Jialat jialat! Almost EVERYONE in the class join FFHH. Wa, zai lor, discussing a lot of things lor. Quite amusing lor, suddenly everyone so random. Gary la! Add salt to the wounds. Meanie him!

Ok la. Not gonna think anymore, think and think very headache one you know. Gonnna sleep/pokemon now. HAHA!