Thursday, August 28, 2008

Felt a bit sick. How I hope someone can take care of me! Hahaha! :P *dreaming* *drip saliva*

So.. how was my day today? One word, SIAN lor. What's more siol. Ok first. We start off with Art. Doing nothing but washing basin.. wtf? =.=

No la, actually is because Miss Goh homeroom is in a mess, so we helped out. She even do it herself ok!

See her digging nose shit!

See mine!

"That's the nose shit," she exclaimed.

HOHOHO. HAHA, then we went for Maths. Totally slack to hell man. Played pokemon all the way. I'm childish, I know. Hehe tsktsk.

And and, guess what? Jessica pass me my old ez-link card during recess. I was there o.o" I thought Elvin ruined it, and someone picked it. How did it end up with jessy? So funny man haha. I quickly kept it and treat it as nothing happened lor. HAHA. After that I threw it on the way to Biology class.

I almost got raped by Benjamin, Terence and Elvin during Biology. Better not say! LOL! *Benjamin was watching ****. HAHA. I joined him also, since we're beside each other! HOOLALA.

After school, went to Raffles for braces alone. I first went Tiong to eat, cause very very hungry. I went Mac lor. Then everyone like staring at me, like asking me when will I leave, cause I'm like occupying a comfortable 4 seated sofa all alone. Look so damn pathetic and selfish. Of course! Ignore and eat! :D

Ohyah, I took cab to Tiong =.=? LOL, I realise hor, each braces, I sure take cab leh. That uncle damn friendly I tell you! First time I enter his car, he use hokkien and talk to me liao! I was like, huh? o.o? Then he ask my religion all these. Damn friendly and hilarious lor. Trying to entertain me like that. He even sing song with action! HAHA, I laughed at that la! How could I resist an ahpek dancing for me?! So so so funny. And before I left his car, he wished me good luck for exam (x I believe with his luck, I can pass. Gambatte!

Mom say be mentally prepared. She say dajie will most probably moving near Tampanies or Bedok. Sigh, that's very far. T_T I miss my friends lor. Next time, sure hardly meet.. Take care friends. We'll be friends eternity, that's for sure.

Anyway.. if I can go sec5.. I will choose not to go too. I've consider, even if I pass my N' level, what about my O' level. I rather go ITE to spend 2 years there than to go O' level and fail, and end up in ITE. This cost 2 years. I rather choose 1 year than 2 years right? O' level.. I'm not confident that I'll pass lor! I'm not a risk taker also what! I don't wanna take a 20% risk of going to Poly with O' level.

Shall I end off with this? :D


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