Monday, August 25, 2008

OKOK!! Update!! I'm very very lazy! Hoho!

23 August
Went steamboat with Eileen, Jovan korkor and Lei Lei.

Very funny laa. Haha! Quite delicious also. Something made me laugh, one particually auntie.

We was queue-ing for ice-cream. There was this little girl that was in front of us. She had hard time with the ice-cream.

Then this lady suddenly came, squeezing through the tiny hole that was in between the ice-cream truck and the stall next to it. Then she say, "HAHAHA, OOPS, I'M TOO FAT". Lei lei and I was at there rofl-ing la! HAHA. Damn hilarious! Then she say, "Oh dear, the girls is stuggling there. (chinese) She never eat rice, no energy (in hokkien)". The girl was like so funny lor, nerd nerd, somemore Lei Lei keep laughing at her lorh, damn mean.

Sister also another mean one. She cannot finish her mushroom, she put it in Lei Lei pot when she went to grab her foods. So funny larh. Then Lei Lei gong gong one, still don't know, until Sister put more and more, until she notice. Then she was like, "EH, DUA GU!! WHY I SUDDENLY GOT ONE MORE MUSHROOM? TAKE IT BACK LA, WALAU!!", I was like, "=.=? Not me lar! Is jiejie lor! You don't believe, you later ask her." And guess what?

In the end I ate the mushroom. =.=

25 August
Today joined 4B again.

Their first lesson was Chemistry, was kinda funny lor.

Mdm Lee wrote on board:

1. 1-1 consultation.
2. Self-revision.

"Please keep your noise level down."

Then I was sitting near Mdm Lee. Regina came..

Dillon: *Stare at Regina*
Regina: *Stare back, and throw the paper on Mdm Lee table*
Mdm Lee: What you doing? (in chinese)

So damn hilarious lah, Mdm Lee was like a bit shock. Haha. Then later Issac came. They finish for Chemistry liao, then Mdm Lee have small chat with him. I cut a small part that is rather funny.

Mdm Lee: Issac, what do you intend to do in ITE?
Issac: Erm..
Mdm Lee: Ok, what are you good at?
Issac: Computer.
Mdm Lee: Oh.. So you can take IT, computer course.
Issac: I'm good at computer games.

History also damn funny one la. Mr Samy was teaching, then suddenly everyone head drop down; as in sleep la. Then Mr Samy suddenly shout, "EH, HOW COME EVERYONE SLEEP?!!" So funny la! In the end, really everyone sleep lor. No one was bothering about him lor. I also don't care lor, so damn tired.

Then all of us go eat. Then wait awhile for Gary and Darren for their A maths. But since we got nothing to do, we don't want wait liao. My handphone even went flat. So we went home. Lucky 855 come. HAHAHA! :D

Ohya, and I master this hokkien song liao! HAHA!!


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