Wednesday, August 27, 2008



I broke my mummy glass yesterday! She stored her coins inside the glass bottle lor, then yesterday accidentally shift it and cause it to fall and *piang lor.

(some blood stains if you can see)

All this BLOODY TV fault la! Was fixing this lor, then the glass was was hidden behind the tv, (I didn't know too).

After sacrificing my finger and an amount of efforts putted in, finally managed to fix it.

Today ah. FFHH day! HAHA.

Samy was funny lor. What polish corridor etc, then he went to the door and give examples. He seriously look like a doll lor. HAHA.

Biology class. Wa kan sian lor. THAT FUCKER ELVIN!! Wtf la! You know what he did a not. He take my Ez-link from my bag and play. I got 2 Ez-link. Then 1 Ez-link spoil and cannot use liao mah. Then he take that one out and play, then fold, then ask me want a not =.=? Then I say don't want la, no need liao. It's spoil in the first place mah. So nevermind lor, take and play. Then he threw out of the window for the first time, I went to retrieve it. I didn't expect him to throw the second time lor! I was unaware of him throwing.

Then bell ring liao, suddenly a bunch of girls walk past. They saw it, and pick it up! Then they look here and there, and then they went for their class. Elvin they all was laughing lor. I was like, what happened? Kannina lor. Then they say liao, I sibei pekchek la? Honggan lor. Somemore they still dare laugh. Wtf?

Then SS time, wa. Jialat jialat! Almost EVERYONE in the class join FFHH. Wa, zai lor, discussing a lot of things lor. Quite amusing lor, suddenly everyone so random. Gary la! Add salt to the wounds. Meanie him!

Ok la. Not gonna think anymore, think and think very headache one you know. Gonnna sleep/pokemon now. HAHA!


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