Saturday, August 2, 2008


I'm a typical yet vain guai kia.
My phone bill are always $20-$30+
Yet this time $50+. Gahh, whatever.
Just prepared to get yell by mom.
Or perhaps quickly sneak into my blanket.

Anyway, I think that was the only exception,
as I was expecting it too.
Reason is simple, keep message and call,
damn lazy to even reply or WAIT.

Ok I don't think in future I will exceeded this amount.
But my ear is really going to burst later.

How how how?! I don't know what to study!
I can't concentraded anyway.
Gahh, whatever la.
Felt so fucked-up.

Benz and Eliza, my picture please!
I'm still waiting for YOU.


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