Thursday, August 14, 2008

HOW? =.=
4 days holiday that is, perhaps? *suffocate

Should choose a ITE course in preparation now, if not, I've to choose it further later anyway. Hais =.= I uber sad la. It's like what the f*ck. Don't go back lor, I'm fine with it.

It seem like we're going to graduate. And I'm feeling very lost, where is my future? What should I do in the future? I'm not going to be like small boy and wait for mom to spoon-feed me. I know I NEED some qualification, but I just don't get to do it. I know I'm going to regret but there's nothing I can do.

might say,
Graduate of course damn sad la?
I'll MIGHT lose contact with friends.
I've to leave my school.
I've no idea when I can see my schoolmates again.
I won't get to laugh like always,
I don't get to appear in school.
However, to some students, 求之不得, granted their wish.

So what course should I take? I want to be a teacher. Get to Shatec need at least a O'level cert. If I can't even pass N'level, how can I get my O'level cert?

I'm speechless really =.= I don't know what lies in the future, and what stepback I'll get. Yes, I'm afraid, a fall in life get me nowhere already.

AIYAHHH fuck it la. Damn fucked-up and stress.

Prelims over, but N'Level approach. Can you believe time flies so fast?!

I still can remember sec2, the memories are so fresh till now. Perhaps if I can exist in memories, time wouldn't have flies so fast.

So how 4A peeps? What are your plans? Are you gonna stick by and fail? Or are you going to proof the teachers wrong? Buck up, 2 weeks more to N'level, WE CAN DO IT. To Sec5 as a class. I know some of you has set your targets on ITE already. But don't you all feel a lil not worth?

I'm not going to whine and whine, just words from my hearts. 肺腑之言

I want go back on monday-thursday.. but can I.. ?
Heckcare >:(

Ok, talk about today. Today was the last day of my gorgeous paper! Art! :D Was rather ugly, tsktsk. Everytime I've Art exam paper, sure something will crop out. =.=

Today I woke up at 7, which was almost late =.=? I prepare less than 5 minutes; including changing clothes, wipe a lil and pack a lil. So, I haven't been showering =.= please don't find me gross, as this is not I wanted as well. I remember last year I've great flu, and this year mid-year I'd stomach ache -.- Holyshit right.

Anyway, before starting paper, Ms Ng was sitting on my place la? Then I waited so long, until the paper almost start, she still don't want to leave that "palace" of mine. Zz, then..

Dillon: Ms Ng ah, erm, this is my place.
Ms Ng: *gin* then walk away.

I was like what the fuck la? You gin me for what? Then..

Dillon: Thank you ah.

LOL, disturb :X Then Amaths paper II that time, they were joking about her. Eh you know why she so lian? Cause her name is NTT; Ng Ting Ting; Normal Tech T mah! =.= Then I say, wah if her name is NTS good liao lo. Then they say, why leh? Because Normal tech student mah! All kakaka. Then Gary even lamer =.= Should have called NTD. Before I could even think, he say it out. Normal tech dropout! *stunned* =.=

Wait for them for 2 hours sia! At foyer don't know do what shit. Stare into blank space, message and listen music. Today weather is sure damn hot =.=

Then we went home. I felt a lil pity as I was sort of rejected by the teachers. I want to go back study, but have to join 4B. I don't really had the intetion, because we had different study attitude. However, Hera is going. I shall consider, shall I?


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