Sunday, August 10, 2008

In case you wonder where did I go today..
I went to.. DARREN HOUSE!

You might ask..
for what ah.. ?


Soon, get very tired and went bed to study..

While Darren and Gary play with card -.- Gary perform magic for Darren..

Soon, Elvin came. And we got very very bored. And Gary want to buy chocolate pancake. So we went down.. and brought. And 顺便 think of what to eat for dinner. Then Elvin want to eat cup noodles.. and we change change change to.. HOMEMADE NOODLES :D!

So we went to BMC Cold Storage.. and buy our ingredients.. hoho..

And we went home to cook!

And tada!

I finish it! :D Muahhaha.

So nice. Thanks Darren, and his mother for the effort putted.

Then we clean up everything.. I wash plates, while Gary and Darren clean the stupid machine.. Stupid Elvin only know how to play computer. He do nothing but eat, somemore not full..

And we went home! :D

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