Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Since I've 1 hour more before going to sleep, shall blog (:
Firstly, LOL@ our school facility.

Had Listening Comprehension and Social Studies today. Ohyeh, I flunk Social Studies. I didn't even study the one that come out. NHS hospital -.- I even forgot there's this chapter ok. My mind was so blank when the question came out. I thought Sri Lanka would come out but didn't. Lucky I didn't study for that chapter, ^^ if not waste my time. Hee :D

Listening Comprehension, I thought will be rather easy, but all the answer was almost similar, keep changing my answer, wonder how HIGH I will get.

So, after school Ms Goh calls for all Art students, *I wonder* -.- Actually it's for final year exam, for I didn't know AT ALL, I thought our final design is our last work for this year, I didn't expect we've to do final year exam like almost every year? Nooo wait, actually for only 2 years :X Topic is almost similar to our theme given. I'm so paranoid now. Don't know what to do for following Art. I'm so dead.

Then then then..
We went home! xD

We went BMC, since back-gate didn't open as it was too early, 10.30a.m released -.-? So why not walk front gate and head to BMC. Quite fun actually, on the way was playing pokemon on handphone :P

Walked with Benjamin, Darren, Gary, Terence, Thong Boon, Wen Xiang, and Yu Zhu. They were like at different walking pace. 3 walk infront, 1 middle, 4 behind -.- It's like miles aways. LOL @ the slowpokee (:

ALERT, leave if you feel uncomfortable.


Pledge to go fur-free at

Damn, I almost forgot I got braces appointment tomorrow. Argg, how I wish by the end of this year, my braces will disappear.


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