Saturday, August 9, 2008


Went out with Elvin to take his phone at Orchard. He is so generous today. Treat me drink and play lan. Pretty shock huh? & Saw quite a number of old friends, but not going to name who, -.-

Anyway, it's nationday day! Surely everyone will be damn high. Rather tired here. Right now at lanshop. Was intending to stay at home and watch National Day live at home. But the time is over. Started at 5.45p.m. It's alright as replay will be played some other days. However, it's not about replay or etc. It's about an atmosphere I wanted.

I remember when I was young, I was brought to my nanny house. I was sort of torture there; I take that as one. I was not allowed to watch TV, but keep do homework and study etc. Only when National Day, nanny would excuse me from homework and study, and together, watched Nation Day. And the atmosphere was very close, like a family, however not. And we will start discussing about how great it is, and started chewing some tibits and fruits while watching.

However, this kind of atmosphere will never returned, as we can't' rewind time. We can only face the future with vibrant smile and postivite attitude.

So, why bother about the past? What's in the past has became a history. Cherish what we have now and try your best to earn for more.

Kinda sad. Gery went back to Sweden. Will miss you lahor. Gerald never went back as he got HFM disease. Haha, take care Gerald. Gery sure very sad, mai sad la. See you after 3 years, hoho.

Ok, I sound naggy and emo. Maybe because I damn sleepy, so whatever I think I just write all down.

So.. have you guys download Firefox?


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