Monday, June 30, 2008


Damn tired today, went to school,
had assembly, felt as if I'm dying,
and went Social Studies and slept the whole lesson.

Then came Maths, I'm so glad I can catch up now.
I mean for the last topic only. Hahaha :x

Then went English, do composition.
Oh my god, Salehin damn funny!
Haha, he was like stuck there,
suddenly never move, even the eye,
and never talk, so funny.
I was doing composition and Azree keep laughing,
then all of us turned back and started laughing.
This is madness! I almost cannot complete my composition,
all thanks to them, they're so noisy.
I was about to scold them to shut the fuck up,
I really cannot concentrade,
and don't know what to do!

Mother tongue we have oral practice,
then Melvin felt asleep.
So I practice on my own,
then started singing songs on my own.
Hahahaha, not bad leh :x

Then went home. Stupid uncle keep laughing,
don't know for what fuck.

This uncle is mad.

Kept laughing man! Secretly took his picture.
I'm so glad that he left the bus before I do,
or I'm going to go mad before he does.

Put some pimple stuffs on face,
hopefully can cure.
Thanks Elvin!

Pokie Dokie! :'D

Sunday, June 29, 2008

ALERT: Warning signs for idiots!


Went to have steamboat with Melvin, Elvin, Qiqi at Bugis yesterday!
Cab there and cab back.
Ohya! I forgot to return Melvin the cab fare.
I haven't been paying any cab fare. *evil smile*
Yah, I got pissed off by Melvin!
In the end, go to Suntec with Qiqi!
Waste our time!
And the place we actually going is max!
My golden mushroom mannzxzxz!
So we went to Tian Tian Huo Guo instead.
And we got to sat at the deepest corner,
which I think is pretty good,
but they think we've been neglected somehow.

Then one kid, keep *pom pom pom* the chair,
pissing us damn lots.
Then he kept standing up and look at us.
I got chua tio, and my reaction was damn retarted!
HAHA, I was like, o.o? WOAH. *kia tio*
Think of it, was kinda hilarious.
And this two group of people causing noise pollution.

Group B: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH *trying to scream at high pitch*
Group A: SEH!

So purposely manxz, if it was my group,
I probably won't tolerate.
And our table is right infront of this pretty notice board.


See! I really think this shop is ill-bred borned.
How can they scold their customers idiots,
even if they make a minor mistake?
I seriously can't take it.
And we ate till 10pm+,
and we had a REALLY REALLY HARD TIME finding 2 cab!
Send Qiqi off first,
then after 20minutes then found a cab who's willing to accept us :(


Had school per normal, and told Elvin to bring me pimple cream.
Cause, pimple really suckxzxzxzxz, and yesterday too many people,
so I never go and buy.

English class and chemistry was damn funny,
Salehin danced around me,
I can't laugh out loud! But I still laugh,
cause his action, Oh my god, DAMN STUPID!!
All joker manzxzx.

Anyway, those who has N' level oral today,
good luck! ^^

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Pathetic uncle

Picture uploaded.

Went to had lunch at Carls Jr earlier with Elvin.
And we met, Htoo htoo and Nicholas!
I miss them very very much!
And suddenly, it reminded me when I'm in Carls Jr,
which make me daze into blank spaces.
And guess what?
Nicholas treat us eat!
I think Elvin get to eat free lunch because of me,
HAHA, and Nicholas came over and ask me,

Nicholas: So, how was the burger? Does it taste like the past?
Dillon: Hmm, not bad, but the burger I make will taste nicer!

Then head over to arcade to play.
Then Elvin played the tennis, and he lost in the 3rd round.
Then we went to play Majong, so damn unlucky!
Keep lose, cannot get the tile I want.

Then we head down to Chinatown.
One very funny incident!

This lady and his husband and daughter was rushing down the escalator.

And lady rush into the train during the last second, was so close to kiap her.
And this lady was so glad that she got into the train in time
but she turned her back and saw his husband with her daughter outside.
She was shocked as she is the only one that got into the train.
But the problem is, the husband was giving a very pathetic look,
which make me irresistable to laugh.
And the wife ran away with another train,
abandoning her husband and daughter!
Look like some drama script, but yes!

Our life is a drama!

KFamily at night!

It look really sucky at first, but it's good.

All this cost!
I kept constantly remind me of room 52, because the place is so big! We have problem finding ways.

And I went face red because I drank vodka.
Stupid, I'm not drunk at all.
It was fun!

Thursday, June 26, 2008


Has not been feeling well these 2 days.
Yesterday, was having heavy flu.
Today was having headache and etc.
Having Art, and Miss Goh is not helping me much in the 2 hours.
Therefore, I have to release some stress and depress.

And there they go, slack.
Look at she, DAMN SICK!

And went library, AGAIN!
Because Ms Anthony was absent from school.
Pregnant women are like that,
keep absent, so inconsiderate.
Ignore our presence, make us fail!

These two days very scary!
Yesterday, during midnight,
I woke upon, and heard some noises from outside.
I heard *pak pak pak*,
I'm very sure it is the sound of hitting keyboard.
Yet, outside was totally pitch of darkness,
and my family members would not hit in the middle of the night,
and I was a bit, shocked by it,
but was so lazy and sleepy.
So I went back to sleep.
But the question is, HOW WOULD ANYONE HIT IT?
And it was a total silence when I heard it.
And today I told them about it,
they say it was your imagination.
After that, the bell rang, and it was time to go up to hall.
And I told them, "Eh, already bell ring liao leh, still don't want go up ah".
Then they say, "is it, haven't rang leh".
Then after 2 minutes, the bell rang.
But I thought it rang already, they say I got ear problem.

Then at Library, I heard Fuzail want drawing paper,
and I gave her, and say, "Na, your paper, you say you want it right?",

Very weird, keep hearing wrong stuffs.
A lot to blog, but forgot! :x

I finally understand what's life.
Life is like a drama,
whether how you want it to process,
it all depend all on your own.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Unresponsible? or Irresponsible?

Afternoon guys!
Got to rush to Art and maths homework after blogging.
Shocked huh? I actually do those.
Well, I've to buck-up ASAP. I'm drag behind lots and lots.
Was quite sad.. Because Ms Goh didn't even approach me and help me with Art today.
She must be very disappointed that I didn't turn up for extra lessons during holiday.
Sigh, I guess I will fail my Art, w/o her, I'm nothing manzxzxzx.

Last lesson was Biology, and Mrs Mabel Ng didn't turn up again!
It was so similar to previous time, when exam approach us, she dissappeared.
And now, is it going to happened again?

So all of us ran to the library w/o teacher consent.
And the way there was.. Oh my holy god.
My classmates(malays) a group of them I mean,
around 10 of them? I was the only chinese that tag behind them.

And they were singing on the way down!
Salehin was acting so like superstar!
And he was like sing until half.
*heard noises; ahh!*
*All of us was laughing*

Guess what?
Salehin fall down! HAHAHA, damn funny I tell you.
He act till so professional, and in the end he fall,
and the way he grip the thing was like, help! Help!

Our Library

I've no choice but to say, our school library really sucks!
And I heard that our school has someone that spy on our blog,
One teacher, Benard Goh, he keep aware of our blogs.
So what? Don't we have our speech of freedom?
Nah, I don't fear you and your stupid school rules.

And I was chatting with Bi Jin all the way, 1 hours of chatting!
HAHA, and yeah, was so comfortable talking with her.
At least I don't feel stressed, and I can say anything to her.

I help her took this photo. She has lousy camera skills.

Bi Jin

This is what she took of me after several tries.
Hmm, not bad not bad, cause I teach her! :x

And while chatting, some noises suddenly started to erupt.
They start to sing as a group AGAIN, and all of us was shocked.
Even the teacher in charge, she has good skills in humor, and she is prettyyy.

Two groups of malays

Prettyyy teacherr.

And after school, some of them went to Bugis to buy their DNT stuffs,
some went to IKEA, I didn't tag along, cause I told them I've things to do.
*I'm lying* Cause the fact is, I really hate going to Bugis.
And I'm so lazy, but in fact, I really have homeworks to do.

So while on the bus, damn hilarious.
There were 2 boys and 1 girl from GESPS (gan eng seng primary school),
1 girl and one boy was helping the other boy to finish his homework,
and the homework was, to think of words that start with Un, etc Unusual.
And they were like, Oh, Uncle! And I had the best impression of..

Boy A: Eh, unresponsible! Quick write down!
Boy B: Oh, how to spell sible ah?
Boy A: S A B L E.

And I was like stunned, there isn't any word exist in the dictionary call unresponsible!
I only one word call irresponsible. Some more Boy A spell the wrong sible to him. HAHA.
They were like so loud, talking so loud, whole bus was only filled with their voices,
and I think everyone laughed, because they anyhow tikam their English.

Damn, I cannot laugh like that, I sound so mean man.
But really, they're counted quite smart already,
because they were like only primary 2 or primary 1,
knowing word such as responsible was already a great thing,
because I only know this word only when I was in Secondary 1!


Sometimes, it doesn't pay to be kind.

Shall explain why it doesn't pay to be kind later.

Shall tell you some funny incidents that happened today.
History class..

Senario 1:
Marvin: Cher, can go toilet a not?
Mr Samy: Yes, you go, thank you.
*Stare at me*
Mr Samy: Eh, why I say thank you ah?
*Stunned and laugh*

Senario 2:
*Mr Samy Using lappy, trying to copy and paste the text*
All: Cher, don't keep change leh.
*Mr Samy ignores and copy and paste*
*Suddenly he close down the page and it pop out, do you want to save changes?*
*He click Yes.*
Mr Samy: Eh, where's my document?!
*All of us laughing*
All: CHER! YOU JUST CLOSE DOWN! YOU STILL CLICK SAVE CHANGES, then you now ask us where your document go?!

Isn't Mr Samy cute?
After that was Maths. Now, I can concentrade better..
But still, will get influence a bit.. See that Salehin dance..

He dance until damn funny! I can't stop laughing inside.
And everything was going so normal. Yeah, kept slept. Yawnn.

After school went to KFC eat and slack with 6 more peoples.
Terence, Gary, Kok Kiang, Elvin, Melvin, Dickson & Me.

Then they nothing to do? They was daring each other to get peoples phone number,
then don't know who treat who eat, if that person dare or whatever.
Then Elvin don't dare, in the end, he go, but never speak his main motive.
I quickly ran out of the KFC, avoid embarrassment.
Then all of them ran out later.

They are scolding why Elvin so humji! Don't dare.
Then Elvin was like, "go in again la, I sure get".
But I know he won't dare. 101% won't dare to do so.
And they dare Kok Kiang to go into 7 eleven and do..

Senario 3:
Kok Kiang: Auntie ah, hao kan mah? (Nice anot)
*Pointing his private part..*
Auntie: Ah, bu chuo ah. (Not bad)

We laughing like siao man! Cause really damn hilarious.
After that Kok Kiang ran out and dare Elvin go in.
Of course, Elvin don't dare laaa.

Then all of us go home.
On our way home, we met Li Fang and Regina at interchange.

Li Fang: Eh, Dillon, you got buy class photo mah?
Dillon: Got ah, why?
Li Fang: Eh, can lend me see mah?
Dillon: Don't want.
*Taking out*
Li Fang: Eh, can change a not? I want your photo leh, cause inside got Bi Jin.
Dillon: Cannot. I want one.
Li Fang: Please lah.
Dillon: NO!
Li Fang: Okay, I mixed, then what you take you take.
Dillon: NO!
Li Fang: Eh bus lai le.
*Without saying byebye, and ran off*
Dillon: Fuck you la, take my picture.

I'm fucking pissed off by her okay. I pay $3 for one picture, and she gave me 2 of the same.
Cheebye la her, also not her class, don't know what the fuck she want it for! LIN LI FANG, I DON'T CARE IF YOU GOT SEE MY BLOG A NOT, I WANT IT BACK TOMORROW! YOU UNDERSTAND?

Really, sometimes, it doesn't pay to be kind. Lend her, but actually she got motive.
I am going to upload my pictures, but she fucking steal it.

Yana is going to give me my class tee-shirt tomorrow! And I shall upload with the photo.
But I've a feeling, Yana is going to forget, and Li Fang is not going to return. !@#$%^&.

Lastest news!
Li Fang want my formal picture! It's a NO WAY for sure!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Sorry! Typical Singaporean!

I got caught for having long hair again!
But lucky never get caught to the barber to cut hair.
But he warned me again. Who cares man.
I'll drag and drag till he drag me there.

Is this green? Or blue?
I personally felt it is green.

Stupid uncle scare me.

Stupid typical Singaporean! Urged to get down the bus..
and push me.. aside.. You all so typical for what!
You all only teenagers! Why follow those elderly!
So typical! Only blame us why we not worry for exam etc,
but they, themselves, like to over-worry,and kiasu, kiasi.
We're going to influence by those diseases soon.
Stupid, I hate them! Only know how to judge us by cover,
don't know how to reflect on themselves instead!

I really dislike people accuse me for nothing!
Don't push all the blame to me when it's not even my fault.
Please don't do that! Pissed me off really much.

Monday, June 23, 2008


I forgot where I put my report book!
Omg, nevermind, heck care.
15 Members of Armstrong above,
don't have name, cause bottom no one take screenie.

Squeezy bus!

School start as normal today!
I'm so damn fucked up-ed!
Guess what? I got caught for having long hair!
I cut my hair on Saturday, now I need to cut again?
No way man! I won't cut! I rather not go school!
I won't go to school, that's all.
Phew. Fuck man, damn angry you know a not!?
Somemore I sit infront of the stage!
Imagine how many hundreds peoples looking at me!
Craps! But other than this, others is damn fun.

As in the lesson I mean.
PE; Miss Neo was lecturing us.
Chinese; Boring, almost felt asleep. But Kok Kiang is funny, as in his words and reaction. "Wait ahh" *(pronounce as nahh), and something I forgot. Fuck him, make me laugh like crazy.
English : Damn funny I tell you! Azree keep disturb me. And he so damn funny lah him, he keep entertain us.
Chemistry : Waa, I hate chemistry, I vandelise her table. LOL.

My name is Tuna! :D

And History, I actually fall asleep!
But was watching the Charlie something,
he and his kid was so damn funny.

School change a lot throughout the year..
See the backgate, and all those paintings done.
Sigh, no longer 3 years ago. I see worthless in doing such stuffs.

Last but not least, a photo to delicate my precious hair!

LONG MEH? Maybe behind a bit long!
Ohyah, I almost got flooded by the girls in my bus.
They were like, drowning me with their amounts.
Omg, hard time leaving the bus! Hahs!