Saturday, August 16, 2008

Weisheng and I was super duper dulan with the "holiday" granted to us. Therefore, we are commiting a sin right now. We're issuing a letter of complain to MOE, for an explaination. We're daring aren't we? Maybe our names will be read out during Assembly, maybe only? :D:D Such disgraceful things, I don't think they will announce la.

But anyway. Take a look.



My contents are rather easy to understand la. Short and direct. I want my school to be headline please! :D Mrs Chin, you rock dao~~~ Bukit Merah Sec dua tao.

Anyway, the information are..

Regards to Bukit Merah Secondary.

For our information, N'level is approaching, in around 2 weeks time. But, he teachers told us that our class 4A, will not have to go to school this coming monday-thursday. However, the other acadamic class 4B, was told to come to school for lessons. The teachers say we have to make appointment with the teachers if we want to go to school and have lesson. I don't think this is a approriate thing to do. We have been trying very hard to study too, it's just that the Teachers has given up on us. If the teacher has given up hope on us, may I know what are the chances on getting to Secondary 5? Probably none in my class. Why are the teachers so unfair, although we're both Academic class? We're both Academic class, but we got different treatment. The teachers told us it is optional to go to school, but if we choose to go to school, may I know why do we have to make appointment? N'level is approaching, and the coming four days we don't have to go to cool, is that a holiday? Or to make it nice, a "study week" for only our class? I think it is this arrangement is rather unfair, therefore, I ask for an explanation.


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